Sap Gui For Java Mac Os X

¡Hola a todos!

Les dejo un “pequeño” tutorial de cómo instalar SAP GUI en Mac OS X Lion/Mavericks.

1. En primer lugar tenemos que descargar nuestro instalador, esto lo podemos hacer desde SAP Marketplace o buscando en Google cualquier página que encuentres dónde descargarlo. Aquí lo haré utilizando mi cuenta de SAP Marketplace y buscando el instalador.Bien, ahora si tienes cuenta de SAP Marketplace te puedes ir a esta ruta: Software Downloads/SAP Software Download Center/A-Z Index/G/SAP GUI FOR JAVA/SAP GUI FOR JAVA 7.30/Installation

Aquí para descargarlo solo das clic sobre el nombre del archivo y te aparecerá la ventana para la descarga:

Una vez descargado nuestro archivo, lo descomprimimos y en la carpeta descomprimida buscamos la ruta /NW_7.0_Presentation_/PRES2/GUI/JAVA. En esta carpeta encontrarán el instalador JAVA. Daremos clic en el instalador que corresponde a nuestro sistema:

Hi all,SAP GUI for Java 7.40 rev 9 is now available for download.Enhancements and New FeaturesSupport for New OS Versions:Fedora 24macOS Sierra 10.12DropDown Listbox:Showing the keys on individual dropDown listboxes via Screen-Painter property independent. Sunt necesare Oracle Java 8 JDK (Java SE Development Kit 8 for Mac OS X) si kitul de instalare SAPGUI pentru Java. Download Java 8 JDK. SAP GUI for Java 7.40).

Damos clic en Next hasta que aparezca esta ventana donde daremos clic en Install

Dejaremos que se instale nuestro programa y al final te aparecerá una ventana indicando que se instaló exitosamente.

Ahora abriremos nuestro programa ubicado en nuestra carpeta de Aplicaciones

  • Install SAP GUI 7.40 for Mac 1) Download the SAP GUI installation file PlatinGUI740#-MacOSX.jar. When the download has finished, double-click this file. 2) If the following error message occurs, proceed to the next step.
  • I am trying to install the Sap Gui 7.50 for Mac. But I seem unable to find any usable documentation. WHen I install sap gui it refers to the chapter 5.1 (see below) I am looking for a step by step guide to set this up on a mac, as there have been some changes.
  • Prerequisite NOTE: Java Runtime Environment (JRE) must be installed in your Mac There are two options for installing the JRE: o From Oracle Java Website: -1880261.html For Mac OS 10.8 or higher, use Oracle Java JDK -2133151.html o Or, you may run Apple Update on MAC OS to install the Java Runtime Installation To install SAP GUI for in MAC OS X you will require going through 2 important sections.

Para crear una entrada al sistema SAP al cual queremos tener acceso, daremos clic en la barra “Connections” y posteriormente en el botón .

Nos aparecerá la siguiente ventana:

En esta ventana nos situaremos en la pestaña “Advanced” y habilitaremos el modo Experto dando clic en el cuadro “Expert mode”. En esta parte es donde escribiremos los parámetros para la conexión hacia nuestro sistema SAP.

En la parte donde dice “Description” escribiremos el nombre de nuestro sistema SAP. En el rectángulo en blanco después de conn= teclearemos los parámetros para la conexión a nuestro sistema SAP:

conn=/H/Direccion IP de nuestro sistema SAP/S/(puerto/instancia)

donde la /H/ corresponde al Host, la /S/ se compone del número de puerto y la instancia que utiliza nuestro sistema SAP.


Los parámetros de conexión hacia nuestro sistema debe quedar como el siguiente ejemplo:

Una vez terminada esta parte daremos clic en “Save”.

Entramos a nuestro sistema dando clic en él:

Aparecerá la siguiente ventana donde podrás iniciar sesión con tu usuario y contraseña:

Ahora bien si deseas conectarte por medio de tu SAP ROUTER también lo puedes hacer, nos vamos al botón . Luego nos situaremos nuevamente en la pestaña “Advanced”. En esta pestaña en la parte “Description” escribiremos el nombre de nuestro sistema seguido de la palabra Router, y en el espacio en blanco donde dice conn= escribiremos los parámetros de conexión hacia nuestro sistema SAP siguiendo el ejemplo:

conn=/H/Dirección IP SapRouter/H/Dirección IP de nuestro sistema SAP/S/(puerto/instancia)

Quedaría como el ejemplo:

Una vez terminada esta parte, damos clic en “Save”.

Ahora probaremos la conexión a nuestro sistema por medio de SAP ROUTER:

Damos clic en la entrada a nuestro sistema:

Aparecerá la siguiente ventana donde daremos clic en “OK”.

Y listo! podremos conectarnos a nuestro sistema SAP por medio de SAP ROUTER.

¡Fin del tutoria! Espero que haya sido de tu agrado, quedo en espera de tus dudas, comentarios y/o sugerencias.

¡Saludos! 🙂 😀

A short article explaining some problems I ran into with the SAP Gui for Java for Mac. It turns out that the Gui for Java is useless when editing Web Dynpro ABAP applications. This is a mega bad sign considering I’m using a Mac platform.
To set the record straight, I have to say I had been warned a lot against choosing the Mac platform because of the lacking platform support from SAP. I my opinion, the Mac is a superior platform in every way, and since it can run a virtualised MS Windows installation simultaneously by the help from VMWare, I decided that lacking support from SAP was not going to prevent me from using the best platform ever.
My need for SAP Gui is modest so to say. I primarily do Web Dynpro Java development and hence does not need to use the SAP Gui for much other than fetching RFC and BAPI specs and of course the occasional test drive of the two. Transactions SE37 and BAPI work terrific in SAP Gui for Java. In fact I’ll rather use the Java version as it seems a little faster than the WinGUI.
One exception is when I’m developing Web Dynpro ABAP (WD4A). The I of course use the gui a bit more intensive. I have recently discovered that there are some minor glitches in the Java gui regarding the WD4A extension to SE80. These glitches is mostly regarding context menus and the initial layout of property inspectors and tables. This of course can related to the fact I’ve set Safari as the default browser and Safari isn’t supported by the Web Dynpro framework.
Sap Gui For Java Mac Os XInstalling SAP Gui for Java on Mac
Seriously, installing the SAP Gui for Java is a breeze. I went to the SWDC and downloaded a installer packed as a jar file. Once downloaded I ran the installer and it created a Mac-ified application which integrates with the Mac OS X just perfectly.
And then the problems started to kick in, not that there is anything wrong with the software, it just appears that I don’t know how to configure it. Things work a little different than in the WinGui. Here is hvat you need to do:
After installing Gui for Java, run it and click the New button. It should look something like this:
Click the advanced tab and check the check-box saying user expert…. and write a connection string in the textarea like what I’ve done below. Remember to substitute what is between the <> with something from reality.After this I was able to connect just perfectly.
When running the Java version of Gui, you won’t be able to use the new ABAP code editor with code-completion and syntax highlighting. I don’t see this as a loss as the ABAP code completion doesn’t really complete anything for me, and the syntax highlighting almost none existent when compared to Eclipse in which i used to work. I recognise the fact that a lot of ABAP’ers love and cherish the new features, so if you’re a highlighting completion lover, stay clear of Java GUI
The bapi transaction
Sap Gui For Java Mac Os XAs stated earlier, the BAPI transaction works beautifully. I only use it to read documentation and as a shortcut helper to the function builder where I can perform tests. This is also the intended usage I guess.
The function builder
The function builder also work OK. Btw I never use the function builder for anything else than testing RFCs and BAPIs. When I write RFCs, which I don’t do very often, I use the function builder under se80 (yeah it’s the same, i know).
Web Dynpro builder

Sap Gui For Java Mac Os X 10.10

This describes the most common problem with Gui for Java. All properties sections are totally collapsed by default and their state gets reset every time the window is re-painted. Very annoying.

Sap Gui For Java Connection

If you were to right click the context node in the views context, you might expect to se a context menu giving you the relevant context manipulation choices. However this is not the case as nothing shows up! This is a complete show stopper as there is no other way to get to these functions.

Sap Gui For Mac Os

Sap Gui For Java 7.50

There is still a way to go for SAP before they have a working client on other platforms than Windows, or at least one that can be used for development. Perhaps SAP should make a native client for Mac as well.