Mass Effect 2 Gibbed Save Editor Change Romance

Faces Of Gaming is a new community that allows gamers all around the world to share and display their characters and in-game creations. Open Gibbed's Mass Effect 2 Save Editor and load any savegame you want to genderchange. Under the 'Raw' tab, '- 2. Squad', and a expanded '+ Player' locate the field called 'Is Female'. If you are a 'male' in game, change 'Is Female = False to True' If you are a 'female' in game, change 'Is Female = True to False' Save and load the game. How to change your class mid-game (and/or give yourself talent points): 1. In-game calculate how much 'Talent Points' your character would have after a respec and write it up, then load the savegame you want to modify with Gibbed's Mass Effect 2 Save Editor. Gibbed's save editor for mass effect 2! Easy to use and enjoy! This save editor can edit your character, resources paragon/renegade points name credits etc.! This save editor can also edit mass effect 1 events and add squad members and complete their. For Mass Effect 3 on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'The gibbed editor won't change my ME1 romance from Ashley to Liara'.

Mass Effect 2 Gibbed Save Editor Change Romance

Mass Effect 2 Gibbed Save Editor Change Romance Full

With the demo for Mass Effect 3 coming out on the 14th I would like to have some save games set up to play through the 3rd one.
However I only have one Renegade and one Paragon save. And the many different possibilities (the romance options alone!) make me feel like that's not gonna happen. Unfortunately I am not willing to play mass effect 1 ever again. (never again will I grind up to 60, fuck that noise).
So the question becomes, where can I find a good save generator for Mass Effect 2 in the same vein as the save gens for Dragon Age?